Welcome back to COACH ROB'S blog! I hope that you can read some of the other pertinent info on my blog wall but if coming to my blog once a year FOR FREE TICKETS is the only value you want, lol I'm fine with that too. Nevertheless, this is the second year for the Houston Rockets partnership. The partnership is centered around youth so please make sure when you receive your free tickets it's for a kid and you as the adult are just a chaperone. GO TO THE GAMES PLEASE AND SHARE THE PICS ON MY FACEBOOK WALL OR TAG ME PLEASE. I enjoy seeing the happy faces of your young future basketball players!
With that being said, I have to share opportunities I'm afforded with my community. In the link below, please click and fill out the form entirely.
As a highlight of this relationship, the Fertitta family and adidas are excited to offer a complimentary ticket to a future Rockets home game for ALL Houston-area youth basketball players, ages 4 – 18 years old
Follow the link to claim your tickets. https://www.nba.com/rockets/adidas-basketball
Verify you are over 18
Drop Down (Select the amount of kids you have) then click next
Fill out your information with a valid email address then click next
Select child #1 gender, birthdate, and then for league select "other" and type "SHOWCASE NATIONAL". Repeat steps for other children
Where it says League Name, repeat "SHOWCASE NATIONAL" & for Team Name type in "HOU Team"
You will not get an immediate confirmation email. Wait a couple of weeks and you should be delivered your tickets via the email address you provided.
I want to give a special thank you to Eric Martin with the Houston Rockets for making this all